and i know about it..Thanks ♥

Expose udah pasal keputusan temuduga KUPUSB yg kna ada kn bulan 4 dulu..30hb ada kna tampal kn result nya di bhgian pendaftaran KUPUSB.aher result nya kuar p na apa..smua urg sedia menanti..ada yg gembira ada yg kecewa..wahai teman2 ku yg berjaya, congratulation dan yg nda berjaya, jangan putus asa, try lagi..tahun ani bukan rezeki kamu mana tau nanti ada g..yg penting jangan putus asa kawan2 ku semua~

Alhamdulillah, aku diterima masuk and my ♥ also, congrates dear..he is taking SYARI'AH and me USULUDDIN..May we success in our future syg~ ♥ you

24th aku last day kaja..bubye my frens..will miss you all here..happy working and thanks to MP for giving me an opportunity to work..i love this, where i learn more about IT and knowledge, crew and family..but but, ive got some senior yg nda beranti mengajar ku kn makan makan makan.HAHA! *lampuh eh uleh nya!HAHA*

now, aku masih lum abis bali barang2..preparation untuk masuk hostel lum cukup..esh esh!banyak g bah.hehe

hmm...there's something stuck on my mind..about my life, love and future..and i think twicely, when i start my semester, i should not think about it again and need focus on my love, no stress and no enjoy..just be enjoy with the book..HAHA!banar kh jua tu aa~ ;p

maybe, this is not the right tyme to share what is stucking my mind, maybee later or soon soon lah aa..i will update my page as soon as possible..